
for jobs in Tech

We help individuals earn a livable income by providing the skill training, hands-on experience, and network required to get hired into high demand tech jobs that don't require a college degree.

Learn More

What makes us different?

Our focus is on
great jobs.

To get those jobs, students need confidence from real experience.

We blend recorded and live work sessions

Our program design builds hard skills while simultaneously developing student's soft skills. This provides motivated peer group development, social encouragement, personal support and confidence building.

Students work on REAL live businesses

While most programs offer simulated experiences based on case-studies, we enable students to generate, read, and optimize real results on a LIVE business, which leads to much stronger retention and mastery of the content.


Best In Class Technology, Marketing and Business Training

Curriculum ranges from intro course to job ready certification - with a mix of live, pre-recorded video and in-person instruction.


Real World Experience

Students practice skills learned on LIVE eCommerce site.
In addition, students practice presentation, communication and other soft skills required
for the job.

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Network and Job
Search Assistance

Students work directly with partner organizations looking to fill jobs immediately. Tips on where to find jobs, how to apply and salary expectations - with a growing network of professionals/alumni.


Why The New Trade Program?

By 2027, 70% of jobs will require education beyond a high school diploma. Unfortunately, the rising cost of education is effectively prohibiting many from pursuing such a path. Furthermore, traditional trade school options generally focus on slower growth career opportunities of yesterday (i.e. Cosmetology, Manufacturing). The New Trade ProgramTM is helping individuals earn a livable income by teaching skills required to excel in the rapidly growing technology-based careers, while providing relevant hands-on experience in a real environment AND networking opportunities and job leads to help them earn an income upon completion of the program. These roles include (but are not limited to):

  • Associate Website Developer
  • Paid Search Advertising Specialist
  • Content Marketing Manager
  • Cybersecurity Analyst
  • Software Engineering Associate
  • Email Marketing Specialist
  • Search Engine Optimization Analyst
  • and more!
I love the interactive platform. The Instructors are so nice here at NTP.
Charlene B
The students really love the course on Cybersecurity. It's like their minds are open to a whole new area of expertise.
JCCA Counselor
As students get the proper training, they will also acquire REAL experience while working on a project. What gets better than that?
After taking the AI course with The New Trade Program, I feel ahead of the game
going into my next year of classes.

Latest Illustrations



For small businesses & startups


What’s Included:

5 Illustrations

1 Revision

Custom Illustrations

Native Source Files


For larger businesses


What’s Included:

10 Illustrations

All 5 Growth Features

Expedited Delivery


More variants and faster turnaround


What’s Included:

All 10 Expand Features

20-30+ Illustrations Delivered

Includes Illustration Variants

Expedited Delivery


Why are STEM programs important to the community?
Why illustrations?
Who is creating the illustrations?

Ready to create a new future

for students?

Get in touch!

Our key programs have a direct impact on the economic mobility of the individuals that complete them. Let's work together to make a new future for your students!

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